About us

DEFTECH is standing for Defense technologies and mainly oriented in research and development in the area of high technologies with dual usage purposes. Being a private company the DEFTECH LLC have partnership with the Ministry of National Defense Production of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a private company the Deftech LLC also have partners in UAV solutions for research and development, for provision of services and consultancy, maintenance services  specializing in telemetry and communications and UAV systems/robotics.

Our key objectives engineering solutions to develop products for dual usage purposes such as UAV technologies, tactical combat simulators, provision of services to maintain UAV systems, simulators, development and consulting and distributorship and dealership of dual purposes products as well as development of export capabilities.

İn the area of engineering research and development the Deftech LLC succesfully partnered with the Shvatek LLC and as a result of this partnership the frst ever local tactical combat flight simulator is produced.

Deftech is an official partner in radio and telemetry systems with Turkish leading company TUALCOM